Cryptic My A*^%$!
I'm not finding this cryptic crossword stuff funny. The brain is designed to think in a particular direction. This is not the tendency when doing these types of puzzles. As I stare at the clues with my dyslexic mind's-eye, i find myself tensing and untensing, flailing in a blustery stirring of crazed pretend-words. What is a maenad, damn it?! How am I suppose to know other languages? This word is not allowed in scrabble!
(The Clue was: Mother knocked over Scandinavian--she's a crazy woman!)
So it is with my limits. I set them on my own. I have bound myself to a finite world and refused to stretch my imagination farther than I can bear. How have I become so confined? I was never like this before.
A man once asked his teacher the answer to a simple question:
When will I know if I have reached enlightenment?
His teacher smiled and replied, "When you believe that you have reached enlightenment, then you are farther away than when you began your journey there."
How will I ever know if I can solve these crosswords?