Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You only Have this Tool: Take Care

She said, "Healthy communities focus on what is possible."

I say, so do healthy people.

She said," Ubuntu: We exist because we are together."

I am grateful for this word, because it summarizes what we know intrinsically: that we are NOT made to be able to exist without connection, not matter how much our ego says that we wish to stand on our own.

Love is much more demanding than Law.--Archbishop D. Tutu

We are bound to one another by love and love alone. We have a desire to see others survive so that we might do the same. Therefore, if you do unto yourself what you would have them do to themselves.....well....

I find the battle to be able to take time and space to get what I need is real, long, intense. As a young leader I find myself wanting to give up on trying to inpsire others...someitmes wanting to scream out, warning them to quit now. But what I know to be true is that their survival is dependant on my survival....and vise versa.

Spread love.


At 7:28 AM, Blogger Random Walker said...

I know you will never lose hope, but dont let cynical undercurrents bother you. You know more than I can imagine...


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