Friday, January 13, 2006

Organ Donation: Part 1

I have a colleague who is looking to do one of the most humanitarian acts I can believe possible. She has wanted for years, and has recently decided, to donate one of her kidney's to a person who might need it. This boggles my mind.

I know that in countries such as India, Bulgaria, and Brazil, people donate their kidneys for thousands of dollars as a way to find money to support their families, to find extra money, and to work themselves out of debt. I have met one person in my life who has donated a kidney to a young relative who struggled for life, but in the end, died. It was a heart-wrenching story.

I was thrown back into some thinking I have done in years past about organ donation when my colleague announced this to me recently. At the age of sixteen, I was asked when I received my drivers license, if I wanted to be an organ donar. I immediately had to make a choice. My father being a physicians assistant at a Children's Hospital, I thought of the children that he did not know by face, but by byopsy tissue. I thought of the young lives that could be saved by an organ donation. I said yes.

Upone renewing my license, at the age of 18, I found myself bombarded with the same question. I two years time, I changed my mind. I remembered being etremely self conscious after replying "No" to the question of organ donation. I wondered if the woman behind the counter would think me heartless, selfish, or inconsiderate. I drove home that day in angst. "Why had I decided not to donate my organs?" I wondered to myself about this for weeks. The question haunted me.

After deep thinking and challenging insights, I decided that I would not change my mind at the time, and see how I felt about it when I was older.

I'd like to share some of the thoughts that went through my mind then, and that have resurfaced in recent dialogues with co-workers, friends and with my partner.

But before I share, I would like any reader to ask themselves what their reasons may or may not be for choosing to be an organ donar...or for choosing not to be one.

It's a question that, I beleive no one should take lightly.

(to be continued)


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Sketchy Self said...

Remember the Hillbilly song "Oh please don't bury meee down in the cold, cold ground.." by John Pryne or some such??

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

If you'd accept an organ transplant you should register as an organ donor.

If you want your organs to go to other organ donors, ,please join LifeSharers at

Membership is free.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger ted said...

I'm registered as an organ donor. I can't imagine not being so, actually. When I've left this body, it'll be of no use to me anymore. So much the better if someone else can use any of it.

As for donating when alive, that seems to be a whole different question. I look forward to reading more from you! :-)


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