Sunday, February 27, 2005

Translation, Please

Man, I don't get this blogging stuff. I have never seen another's blog. I don't get the whole thing. Forgive me if I mess it up a bit. PHEW! Any pointers?

I will share this...

Today i was totally humbled by a Rumi poem read in the middle of the night. Shit kicked me in the head, right when I needed it. Some do not like Rumi, his Sufism, or his relation to Islam, but how can you not totally adore a man who wrote about being in love with God. JOY!

So my stomache was grumbling at 3 am...i got up to get chips to eat. I was tired and weepy before i went to bed, asking for a hand with getting why i have been so caught up in my life, unable to focus on God and God's will. I picked up THE ESSENTIAL RUMI translations by Coleman Barks. I opened it to page 68. The poem was entitled FASTING. OH YEAH!

In the poem, Rumi reminds us that we are vessels, containers. Only when we come to God empty, can we be filled with Love and Peace.

I slept hard the rest of the night, was meditative in the morning. And Fasted.

Today is a new day. Tomorrow, too.

Peace is a choice.

Friday, February 25, 2005


I've never experienced this bloggin thing. I find it quite amusing. I am happy to find others who are doing it. The idea of a journal on the web is scary and weird, but I am going to try it. Actually, the fear stems for the idea that soemone might find me out...or use what I say against me. I have made it a practice to look for ways to be invisible. But MLK Jr. said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Today is my first day of unsilence.